Announcement: the new show we're going to be enduring the heterosexual nonsense of
a whole new breed of nonsense, a whole new recap, a hole
hello squrl friends, as promised, we have a new show to recap - and gorgeously, it starts next week, so you do not have to wait long. We’ve also been sent the screeners, and we’re not allowed to say a SINGLE THING ABOUT THE SHOW, not even our simplest of emotional reactions, otherwise Netflix will send the police to our house and SHOOT US.
So we will not say anything. But, the show will be SUPREMELY iconic and NEVER BEFORE SEEN (this is NOT a reaction, this is an industry prediction based on my years of wasting my life, SEND THOSE POLICE HOME). We are so excited to recap this, it’s something. It’s the most [redacted] show that i’ve ever [redacted, redacted, redacted].
In case you missed our last post, we have sadly decided to quit halfway through our recaps of Married at First Sight. If you subscribed purely for that show, I really apologise - but unfortunately it is a terrible show with no redeeming qualities!!! But when got closes a window, he opens another smaller window on the other side of the house.
So yeah, without further adoo, we’re excited to recap next week, starting Wednesday March 9th:
So excited for this new adventure into nonsense with ya’ll, you’re all ridiculous and we love you.
OMG this looks really bad, I cannot wait - and being on Netflix it is even likely I'll watch along!
I cannot wait to follow you into a brand new adventure of heterosexual nonsense! And I have Netflix, so I can watch along!!!