Do you want us to recap Married at First Sight???
do people watch this show? it looks awful. it would probably be fun
Hello! So we vaguely thought Byron Baes would be the first cab off the rank for us, but there’s still been no release date… and probably none of them are vaccinated, so maybe we’ll be waiting a while.
So, this has led us to wonder if Married at First Sight is a good idea for us to recap next. Neither of us have watched it, and it looks HORRIBLE, but that also means it would be quite fun.
So… let us know. You’re the subscribers, which means you’re our mean bosses. You can click on my tweet and vote in the poll on twitter, or tell us your feelings in the comments here.

hello should @Brocklesnitch and I recap Married at First Sight this year, is that something people would be interested in? I imagine the Heterosexual NonSense would be gratuitous. Ive never watched before. #mafs
Also, Great Australian Bake Off starts on Jan 27, which im SUPER keen for.
MAFS is BLEAK. You start out thinking it will be fun but then it turns horrifying because so many people are so so awful. There is a LOT of heterosexual nonsense though.
Do I want to watch it? Absolutely not. Would I read your recaps anyway? Of course!