They've announced our new Bachelor for 2022: and it's three dudes
ALL the heterosexual nonsense I was forced to endure from THREE BACHELORS AT THE SAME TIME
Well, well, well (me naming my three favourite types of irrigation), after the huge runaway success of Brooke Blurton, our first bisexual, Indigenous Bachelorette, the show thought “how the hell are we going to top this?”
So they didn’t! And decided to just get THREE MEN INSTEAD. Welcome to our 2022 Bachelor, The Bachelors.

It’s an interesting strategy - I feel like the season of The Bachelorette with the two sisters was literally the most boring season. How are they going to manage to make us interested - let alone fall in love - with three whole men, when honestly it’s a struggle with just one.
There’s something qwhite similar about all these men too, but i’m struggling to work out what it is…
I also don’t know if any of these men are queer. I have a real feeling that none of them are, and there’s big straight energy going on. Very archetypical straight energy - basketball straight, machine gun kelly straight, bondi fitness influencer straight.
And can i just say, as much as I will whine and complain and wish to see but a glimmer of gay on my screen - what a GIFT to Bec and I, to give us not just ONE heterosexual nonsense, but THREE. 3x het nonsense!!!!!!!!!!!
or maybe I am wrong and the three are BOYFRIENDS and the whole thing is a love triangle, and they have to choose each other.
It’s going to be INSANE AND I CANNOT WAIT.
We’ll keep you up to date in the lead up, and please stick around for our recaps.