What's going on with The Bachelor? what's going on with all of us???
Whats going on with mycareer
Hello, it’s your mum and dad! And we’re very disappointed. Not mad, just disappointed. And not at you - at channel 10. Why? Because for some bizarre reason they have decided to postpone The Bachelor this year and release it in the ratings hothouse era of JANUARY 2023.
what happened in this show that has led them to basically bury it???? what happens? I’m going to assume they all suck each other off. Sorry, is that crude? I’m going to assume they all make love to each other’s knobs.

So, we’re going to still persevere, if nothing else, because we’re super curious now. But that has left us with an unexpected bit of dead time, for which we apologise! But here’s what you can expect from us until January:
good vibes
mum and dad rekindling their romance but in an icky way
our traditional QUEER CHRISTMAS ROMANCE REVIEWS - there’s a new Lindsay Lohan rom-com coming out in November which Bec is particularly excited about, and we’ll each do a couple over December
I’m also super into the Billy eichner gay rom-com Bros discourse, and am seeing it/ going to the press junket and meeting him soon, and will write a review/ wrap up here (because no publication has bitten… i mean because i love you all the most).
As always, we thank you for your support, it truly means the world to us.
xxx mother and phather