This whole piece was a joy to read but absolute chef’s kiss at the delightful “…She’s slowly hoisting herself by her own mouldy petard.”

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thank you!!!! i have fun

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LOL lol I came here to say exactly the same thing

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“Hoisting herself by her own mouldy petard” 😂😂GIVE HIM THE WALKLEY

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What fun 🤩 I was at a Trans Pride event on Saturday and a speaker mentioned a mouldy castle and I didn’t get the reference (not on Twitter) - so thanks for clearing that up and adding such a great spin on this

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glad my inability to leave the hellhole has helped out!

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Now THIS is journalism! Thanks Patrick, doing the real work out there x

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i agree, thank you!

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This is the best thing I have read ever, the very last part had me ROLLING!!!!!! (not rowling)

"Besides - maybe we’re being too harsh on mould. Maybe she’s the toxic presence in the house, and the poor mould, desperate for light and air to propagate, is forced to absorb the angry sweat and furious breaths of a woman addicted to tweeting cringe. Maybe we’re watching a Last Of Us kind of prequel, where Joanne actually infects the mushrooms with her hate and bad detective novels, and they go mad and start killing people.

The scientists declined to comment on this theory too."

GOLD! ☝🏻

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This is one of the absolute best articles I've ever read. To say I enjoyed every sentence would be an understatement 😂😂❤️

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Walkley-worthy. No notes.

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As I see it the bigger question is this. Is the mold in Joanne’s house the source of her brain rot or is the rot in Joanne’s brain the source of the mold which is now invading her house? Could be the latter.

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A point in favor that the mold is mold: If she changed her picture why not just take a picture of the wall and show us that it isn’t mold?

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another banger! the comparison to Anita Bryant is apt. onya Patrick!

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I appreciate you writing this smashing expose on JKR’s mouldy petard.

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she's going down

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