Hello! New reader here but wanted to mention, are you familiar with the Renew As A Crew campaign? There is a renewal petition currently at 18k signatures and other ways to get involved, for anyone who is interested! https://www.renewasacrew.com/

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No, thank you! I’ll sign this!!!

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Thank you so much! Would you be willing to share to your followers on social media by any chance? The account is @renewasacrew on twitter/other places

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Hi Gina - I'm writing an article about this for another publication. Would you be willing to chat to me about the fan response to the cancellation? My email is patricklenton@gmail.com, would love to hear from you.

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I think Disney is a separate thing tho, since they’ve always pursued an “unavailability” business model. Back when videos were the home media, if you didn’t buy a movie when it released, your only option was to rent it, maybe score a second hand copy from an op shop. There was no Second Print Run. Having it all available at all times is the weird thing for them. As for the loss of Our Flag, i got no words. Feels like peak Hetero Nonsense.

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Yeah, true, with you all the way - but, also, they had killed off Izzy Hands! No more Con O’Neill?!?!? Unless Izzy was going to be hanging round as a snarky ghost, Season Three would be lacking something vital. (Even so, cancellation is a goddamn tragedy.)

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I feel like regardless we deserved a final season - it was always planned as a trilogy!

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It is ridiculous and insane and I am so hurt by the cancellation of OFMD. That show means the world to me.

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It’s so sad

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I've been plotting my course back to piracy. I've by necessity* learnt how to pirate in 2023/2024. I've decided I will cancel my YT Music subscription once the insane price hike kicks in, in April. I'll soon loose access to my "borrowed" Binge login and shared Netflix login...

And at that point I can't see much value in continuing to fork out decent sums of money monthly to watch the minority and shows I'm interested in on the services I'm still paying for. Services which as you've highlighted have not demonstrated any real care for the artists behind the shows themselves or the subscriber's that pay for the services to operate.

Piracy is more difficult than it was in a pre-Netflix world but it's certainly not impossible and the streaming services around these days are too many at too high of of a cost to be sustainable.

*My family is hopelessly addicted to Battlebots and the only legal way to watch recent seasons in Australia is via Foxtel and fuck that to fucking hell. Rupert can fuck himself.

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I guess tv hasn't been what we wanted or deserve for a while, my wlw faves haven't really been hitting the spot so I was happy to say bye when Killing Eve, Claws & Better Things wrapped in 2023.

Keen for more Trans* content on Main!! Comment if u have recs for an egg :3

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