I’d doubly watch it with Daniel Craig bond. Pierce Brosnan, bond of my childhood, does not sell me as a bi bond. An older bond boy sure, but not bi bond. His name works too, very penetrative.

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Jock Strappe pls

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Peter Richard Johnson take my money!

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Is there a petition I can sign somewhere to make this happen? Because I would actually watch a Bond movie if this was part of the plot. 😆

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Jacob elordi is no james bond. There are better choices. Him being the main actor will get the movie low reviews like his movie He went that way got bad reviews. He was support after in Priscilla and saltburn. His two main films. Thats why the reviews werent as bad. Plus a english man needs to play bond not a Australian. A natural speaking english man actor needs to do it. Leo Woodall i think would make a good bond

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i don't think you read this

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