Jun 11Liked by Patrick Lenton, Fahad Ali

Fahad, I'm sorry you had to write this, but thank you for doing so. I was so disappointed when I saw Julie McCrossin perpetuate the ridiculous pink-washing that argues that we LGBTIQ+ people should support the massacre of thousands of Palestinians because of fundamentalist homophobia. Never, in my fight for equality in the Uniting Church, did I think an appropriate response to the religious fundamentalists who told me I was the spawn of Satan would be bombing them. If we do agree that homophobia is a reason for genocide, when are we going to start bombing Vatican State? Or Texas? Or far north Queensland. It is ludicrous. I would have thought that the first thing anyone who cares about Queer Palestinians would want is for them not to be murdered by the IDF.

The other thing that constantly stuns me about such arguments as McCrossin's (and Kerryn Phelps, but then she's a convert to Judaism and converts are always the worst) is that we are seeing genocide happen before our eyes. There is no excuse for genocide. There are no defenses to it. It does not matter how many Pride marches happen in Tel Aviv and don't happen in Gaza City (although the pink-washers never mention that there is no marriage equality in Israel) - we are talking about genocide. Everything else takes second place to that. Because, and I cannot stress this enough to anyone who has not yet got it - it's GENOCIDE.

Anyway, lots of love and respect to you.

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One of my perennial interests is how the moral is activated in politics (less interested in discourse, more on the impact on our actions). Thanks for leading visibly where you can, and sharing your take on bizarre developments in our "news ecosystem". I'll try to start... reading the news again ?(/????

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