Rebecca Shaw is a beloved internet lesbian, writer of TV and jokes and articles. Patrick Lenton is a tolerated online bisexual, an arts and culture writer and editor, as well as an author. Together, they love to watch queer tv and film, and engage with them in very silly ways.

Nonsense, formerly ‘All the Heterosexual Nonsense’ started out as a recap site, and has now grown! We have new writers, guest authors, news and reviews and culture - all through a queer lens. There’s just so much to get delivered into your fancy little inbox.

Not only do we continue with our Heterosexual Nonsense TV and film recaps, we also have comedy articles, interviews, reviews and more. We have Patrick’s column, Stupid!, a blend of personal essay and cultural criticism. And recently we received a grant from the Walkley Foundation to expand the newsletter with The LGBTQIA+ Media Watch Project, where we commission (and pay) amazing queers to write about media and cultural representation of the LGBTQIA+ community. This includes explainers, fact checks, debunking, articles, personal essays, and more.

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A culture, news and comedy newsletter, with a focus on queer culture, news and issues from Rebecca Shaw and Patrick Lenton.


Patrick Lenton is a writer and author living in Melbourne.
Hyper gay trans feminist squirrel who loves chocolate