
Get the best of nonsense newsletter in your inbox.

nonsense newsletter

A culture, news and comedy newsletter, with a focus on queer culture, news and issues from Rebecca Shaw and Patrick Lenton.

Heterosexual Nonsense recaps

This is where Bec Shaw and Patrick Lenton recap and review things. Usually reality TV, often The Bachelor franchise. But also whatever want. Stop putting us in boxes! We're queering newsletter categories.

Stupid! With Patrick Lenton

A column from culture journalist Patrick Lenton. If there is a Venn diagram that includes pop-culture, comedy writing, and queer culture, then this newsletter sits RIGHT in the centre of it, judging everyone else. I don't know how diagrams work!!!! A blend of cultural criticism and personal essays, Stupid! encompasses articles, reviews, and interviews, about the latest in the intersection of TV, film, podcasts, online culture and other miscellanea all through a queer lens.

The LGBTQIA+ Media Watch project

Articles by queer writers that explore how the LGBQIA+ community is represented in the media. From debunking misinformation, fact-checking and exploring media bias, to exploring representation in culture. This project is partially funded by the Walkley Foundation.